Worker Benefits

Find your next job fast, choose a schedule that works for you, and get paid weekly. All for free.

Create your free profile

Work where and when you want

  • Create your profile on the web platform or app.
  • Choose from 1099 or W2, remote or location-based roles.
  • Options to work multiple jobs.
  • Transparent details on days, times and pay rate.

Get hired, get working, and get paid weekly.

Every Friday is pay day!

  • Quick and easy to apply - get hired instantly.
  • Try out different companies! Always get the right fit.
  • Multiple jobs? Get one consolidated paycheck each week.
  • Work for any company in our network whenever you want.

Reap the benefits of working through Band of Hands.

We love our people!

  • Eligible for health benefits after 60 days of full-time work.
  • Always have instant access to newly posted jobs.
  • Identify top employers and shine with positive work reviews and ratings.
  • Experience employment utopia!

Ready to get hired and paid weekly? Create your free profile and find your dream job!

I'm ready